Human Motor Control and Human Enhancement Group (Nishikawa Laboratory)

Understanding of human motor control & improvement of human perceptual motor skills based on the concept of muscle synergies

News & Topics

2024/07/06 The achievements page was updated.
2024/06/25 The achievements page was updated.
2024/06/21 The achievements page was updated.
2024/06/20 The members page was updated.
2024/05/31 The achievements page was updated.

Laboratory History

Apr 1968 – Mar 1990 : Arimoto Lab (PI: Prof. Suguru Arimoto)
Apr 1990 – Mar 2018 : Miyazaki Lab (PI: Prof. Fumio Miyazaki)
Apr 2018 – Mar 2019 : Robotics and Mechatronics Lab
Since 1st Apr 2019 : Human Motor Control and Human Enhancement Lab (Nishikawa Lab)